
The student services department of the Metropolitan University College of Medicine (MUCM) leads a coordinated effort to decrease the burden on the student and to allow them to focus exclusively on their studies. The department is dedicated to providing a warm, conducive, and supportive environment for the students to achieve their academic and career goals. MUCM student services aim at providing for the needs of the diverse student body to make their life easier when they are away from home. Student services integrates the efforts of the faculty, administrators, staff, and the student services officers. It includes a number of services that are adapted according to the specific mission and student demographics of the Metropolitan University College of Medicine and is therefore complementary to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the University. The Student Services Office at MUSM has an open-door policy which helps the students to receive whatever aid required immediately.

Services Provided by Student Services

Student Services at MUCM will provide the following services in coordination with other departments such as academic affairs and administration:

This is offered to all students of the MUCM and consists of both general and individual sessions to ensure the optimization of student success. Student services department guides students in the procedure for obtaining letters of recommendation, which can be used to obtain scholarships and awards.

  • Utilization of available academic resources
  • Organizational skills
  • Learning Strategies
  • Test taking skills
  • Dealing with test anxiety
  • Adapting to the methods of learning in medical education
  • Self-learning skills using problem-based learning
  • Faculty mentorship program
  • Peer mentoring program

 Career counseling is done by the faculty and clinical coordinators attached to the student services office.

Choosing elective rotations and specific clinical programs for all clinical rotations has a lot of importance in determining the students’ residency matching program opportunities. The student will decide on a field of specialty by taking into consideration personal preferences, abilities and affinities, training requirements, and work-life balance.

Help in the form of information and counseling will be provided to help with these decisions which affect the students’ career. The student will meet with student services personnel involved with career counseling at multiple key points in the course of their medical education to get the required advice.

The student services officers will advise the student based not only on the students’ personal preference but also on the students’ academic performance in the desired fields. Current trends in the field of medicine will also be considered while counseling the students.

The department provides counseling and support for residency application and residency matching programs. Support and counseling regarding residency application and residency matching program will be provided by a panel consisting of persons with specialized knowledge and personal experience regarding these matters.

 Student Services offers financial aid counseling to MUCM students to ensure continuation and completion of their medical education. Financial aid counseling advice given will be based on the individual student needs and ability to procure the funds. These can take the form of:

  • Merit-based scholarships, awarded based on GPA
  • Dual-degree programs, where student can apply for grants through the second university.
  • Semester-fee deferrals
  • Applying for loans
  • Need-based scholarships, temporary relief measure awarded on extenuating financial circumstances of a student

Medical school can be overwhelming at times, especially when balancing it with extracurricular activities, family, and other commitments. Personal counseling is provided by the Student Services for all the students at the Metropolitan University College of Medicine (MUCM).

Confidentiality regarding the personal counseling sessions would be maintained unless given expressed permission from the student or required by law to disclose. Teaching faculty or university management will not be allowed to access information revealed during these sessions unless given expressed permission from the student or required by law to disclose.

Conflict resolution services are also offered to the students by the Student Services. This can also include acting as mediators in disputes between students themselves, or between students and other people.

Personal counseling is inclusive of:

  • Grief Counseling
  • Crisis Counseling
  • Relationship Counseling
  • Anxiety Counseling

Physical and emotional wellbeing is an important component for the students successful completion of medical education. Stress management and counselling are provided to the students both on a generalized and on an individualized basis. We at MUCM understand the stress undergone by the medical students and try our best to keep it to a minimum. Suitable measures are taken to provide adequate support to an internationally diverse student population.

The Student Services office will receive the requests regarding accommodations for students with specific needs.

Students need to provide appropriate documentation from a qualified licensed practitioner which details the difficulties being faced by the student. The required assistance or an appropriate alternative will be presented to the student after evaluation of the situation by qualified personnel in the Student Services.

The accommodation and accessibility needs should conform to the standards accepted by the boards administering the USMLE and should not compromise the standard of education of the student.

Individuals with a learning disability, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), other psychological problem (e.g., anxiety, depression) or medical condition (e.g., hearing, vision, mobility/motor, endocrine, neurological) applying for accommodations at Metropolitan University College of Medicine (MUCM) must follow the documentation guidelines which are consistent with standards of practice outlined by the Educational Testing Service, the Americans with Disabilities Act and boards administering the USMLE.

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