MD Program

Basic Science Program

The basic science program is divided into: 60-week preclinical foundational program that is delivered in 4 semesters (MD1 to MD4) and 15-weeek integrative clinical science program (MD5) that bridges the foundational program.

The goal of the program is to provide strong foundational knowledge in the field of medicine:
  • Students can build on it during their clinical science program.
  • Integrative approach, clinical case study analysis, small-group discussions, research projects, individualized academic support with one-on-one tutoring, and exam performance analysis are hallmarks of the learning experience at Metropolitan University College of Medicine.
  • There are 30-34 contact hours of teaching per week in each of the first four semesters.
  • In order to successfully complete the basic sciences component of the degree, a student must have successfully passed all courses with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students who are unable to pass a course in any particular semester are offered a Remediation (remedial exams) at the end of every semester.
Course Details

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